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Below is some information about pests found in the Rochester NY area.

A female bed bug can lay as many as 500 eggs during her lifetime.
A Bed bug can live up to 18 months without a blood meal.
Bed bugs are less than 1/4 inch in length, flat, and oval-shaped.
Bed bugs like to hide in the cracks, base boards, picture frames, around the creases of mattresses and other areas.
Bed bug bites can be mistaken for allergic rashes.
Below is some information about pests found in the Rochester NY area.
Bed Bugs

A female bed bug can lay as many as 500 eggs during her lifetime.
A Bed bug can live up to 18 months without a blood meal.
Bed bugs are less than 1/4 inch in length, flat, and oval-shaped.
Bed bugs like to hide in the cracks, base boards, picture frames, around the creases of mattresses and other areas.
Bed bug bites can be mistaken for allergic rashes.